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PHOENIX, Ariz. – (June 10, 2003) The odds of being struck by lightning are about one in 700,000. The odds that lightning and thunder will strike fear in dogs, causing anxiety is all too common. According to pet health experts at Farnam Pet Products and Veterinary Products Laboratories, there is a healthy fear of loud noises, but dogs that suffer from noise phobias may respond with inappropriate or unwanted behavior that causes property destruction, upsetting harmony in the household.

Developed by veterinarians, D.A.P.™ (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) is a synthetic pheromone that naturally controls and manages pet behavior associated with anxiety, fear, stress or phobias. The pheromones are released into the animal’s environment through a diffuser that plugs into an electrical outlet, delivering pheromones 24 hours a day for approximately 30 days for trouble-free treatment. Fear of loud noises elicits responses such as pacing, trembling, hiding and howling. A few weeks prior to expected noisy celebrations or storm season, plug in D.A.P. to ease Fido through.

How Do Pheromones Work?
D.A.P. calms dogs by emitting synthetic pheromones that mimic the pheromones of a lactating female dog. By replicating this signal of comfort, D.A.P. helps alleviate fear and stress related behaviors. The University of Lincoln (United Kingdom) Animal Behavior, Cognition and Welfare Group has been working with D.A.P. for the past three years to assess its value in the treatment of stressed and troubled canines. Research has shown that the appeasing pheromone can be very effective in many areas of canine behavioral therapy. This chemical communication can be central to providing simple, effective treatment for thousands of dogs with stress related conditions and behavioral problems.

“Sam” is a Border collie who would pace and pant heavily during the annual July Fourth neighborhood fireworks display. As an animal trainer at Westwood Animal Hospital (Kansas), Dennis Bastian, Sam’s owner, knows something about pet phobias and anxiety. “I was skeptical about pheromone therapy, but decided to give it a try. We plugged in D.A.P. a week before July Fourth, and whereas Sam normally would have paced or hid, he actually sat by the front door next to open windows – I can honestly say the D.A.P. had a tremendous effect.”

Missouri-based veterinary behaviorist Debra F. Horwitz, DVM DACVB, unsuspectingly helped a client’s senior dog endure thunderstorms. “I was treating ‘Buzzy‘ for a severe socialization disorder, but after a while, she noticed that ‘Blanche’ was not exhibiting her usual signs of distress during thunderstorms. The client was so pleased to be able to help her older dog deal with her life-long anxiety about storms with such a simple solution,” says Horwitz.

Pet owners can ask their vet about D.A.P. or go to a specialty pet store or online retailer and look for Comfort Zone™ with D.A.P.™. Information also is available on the Internet at Veterinarians looking for more information should go to

Founded in 1946, Farnam Companies, Inc., is a privately held company and a leader in the animal health products industry. The company specializes in parasite and insect control products, nutritional solutions for animals and products that improve quality and enjoyment of life for animals and enhance the human/animal bond. For information about Farnam, go to on the Internet.
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